Greatest Blessing

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If you take a long and hard look around you and think about all the happenings going on in our world, it is easy to lose yourself in the pain and endless heartache. It doesn’t take much for one to realize that the world we’re living in is a frightening place. Where our every move is unpredictable and we do not know what tomorrow will bring.

Some see this universe as a bloody, merciless, and frightening world. The very ground seems to be cursed and there are very few people who are genuinely kind and gracious. Many will see the trouble which befalls the people residing on this planet earth, and shall never see anything but pain, suffering, and confusion.

Perhaps those can not be blamed. For is it not difficult to find the good when we seem to be immersed in a sea of death, murder, and evil? It is easier to fall into the abyss of melancholy at the current state of the world we live in.

Lots of individuals see the bad things that happen and name this universe a cursed place. Indeed, for some time I have been there too. I have despised this world and everything in it. For I couldn’t seem to find a sliver of goodness.

As time went on there seemed to be an alternate reality of which I was made aware. I noticed all the small things which made a difference, the tiny miracles, the blessings that God seemed to hide between the pain.

I hadn’t metamorphosed into an angel overnight. I didn’t turn into a great person and saint. However, that which had been hidden from my eyes seemed to be as clear as daylight. There is a plan for every one of us. Our human, finite brains cannot comprehend the ways of God. What we often attribute to be the greatest curse and tribulation is often our greatest blessing.

If you look around you shall see this too. How often do you think that one particular situation will be the end of you, the end of a relationship, the end of an opportunity? And how many times are you proven that exactly that which appeared to be the greatest downfall was your key to salvation?

There are times when we hear of people who have missed their flights and thought that it was a tragedy. Only later did they hear that the flight which they were to fly on has crashed into the ocean. What first appeared to be the greatest misfortune was their greatest blessing.

That’s a dramatic incident that doesn’t happen often. However, there are many times when we can experience this phenomenon in our lives- admittedly on a much smaller scale.

Whenever I am struck with something that pains me, that seems to be there to mock me, to break me, to destroy my hopes and dreams- I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I try to see this as an opportunity. An opportunity to open my eyes to something much greater and deeper than I.

God is big, his wisdom and kindness are infinite. Granted, people suffer and there is lots of evil. However, we do not know God’s ways and our comprehension is limited. We just need to believe that even if something appears to be happening that will be the end of us in any way, he has a plan. You may not know it at the time and the questions may burn beneath your skin, yet one day you will see that he’s had your back all along. That he’s been with you from the start and will make it work out for the best.

Close your eyes, feel the breeze, and believe. That which seems to be your greatest loss may be your most prized reward.

Just wait and awesome things are yet to come.

Published by Simone E

Passion for words, people and life. I aspire to find meaning, inspiration, and God in everything that happens.

105 thoughts on “Greatest Blessing

    1. Thank you, Sara! I appreciate your words💗 It’s interesting how you noticed my strong-mindedness and I must say that it hasn’t always stood me in good stead 😉 However, throughout the years I learned to cultivate that area of my personality to be strong and have hope.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I really value that mindset in people, because I feel I’m that way myself. Your capacity for hope and strength stands out in a society that seems to want to blame their problems on everyone else. I have a sibling who often has a victim mindset about things and I do feel for her, but it can be frustrating since I have more of a conqueror mindset (and always have). A setback means there’s either room for growth or a new opportunity – or maybe it just means a reworking of plans (There’s always a Plan B). It’s wonderful to speak with other strong-minded optimistic people like you. It’s good to associate with people like that for sure. 🙂

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      2. I haven’t always been like that.. when I was younger and I went through illness and mental health struggles due to that, I often blamed other people for behaving, acting a certain way- rather than accepting the fact that my illness caused me to be temperamental and look at everything in a negative light. With lots of hard work (that really hurt sometimes!) I was finally about to climb out of the rut and see the light and blessing and positivity. I’m no angel 😅 Just an imperfect human trying her best 🤷‍♀️ Goad you’re like that too! It’s awesome to speak with people who are growth oriented and have a mindset like that!

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      3. That’s totally understandable. ❤ It can take time to realize people's behaviour is more about them than about us. That's truly amazing you've overcome having an illness and you now look at things in a more hopeful light. I'm truly inspired by people like you who can overcome hardships and come back stronger after a setback – we're always going to have bad days and like you say, no one's an angel since we're imperfect beings just trying to do our best. I can relate to that – sometimes I feel more emotional on certain days & I feel guilty about that, but overall I have a growth mindset and try to focus on the main goal. You're right that growth-oriented people are so important to have around you. The guy I told you about has this mindset, too. I was really excited when I recognized that in you, too! 😛

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      4. You put it so well.. life is all about ups and downs. But all we need to do is just keep going strong!
        I can honestly say that it’s been hard for me but now I find that I am so much more grateful, positive and appreciative than others. Not because I’m better than everybody else. Life just showed me it’s dark side too and I was able to see how blessed I am once recovered.
        Ha, it’s good to be connected and surrounded by people who have this mindset. And I’m so glad that this guy is like this too 😛 It shows so much about a person and can tell you a lot..!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. That’s true. 🙂 I hear ya. Like people complain about the weather or whatnot and I’m just out trying to enjoy the day for what it is. And agree- alot of people see me as almost like an angel who hasn’t had it that hard, but I’ve literally been to hell & back a few times & have seen the darkest days yet im more optimistic than a lot of people i know. Like you i don’t think I’m better than them but it’s special to have that appreciation for life many don’t. But I think you can share that light with others and it can rub off on those who are receptive.
        I think that’s what attracted me to him. Like I’m more of a feeler and he’s a thinker but we’re both tough and just get things done to make life work. I think we’d balance one another out very well. And true, that strength tells so much about someone indeed. 🙂

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      6. That’s so amazing about you two guys! I’m just excited for you by the way you talk about him. He sounds like a special someone indeed. I’ve learnt that woman are usually the “feeling” type while men are the thinkers. I used to freak out and think they guys won’t be able to understand me- but thank God my hubs been great with (trying 😉) to get my emotions!
        So true.. Being an inspiration to others who think differently is definitely awesome. And as long as people are receptive and willing to listen and learn and change for the better, that’s awesome!
        We’re here to become better people. Each in our own way!

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      7. That’s very true about men and women being that way. It can be a nice balance since you get two different perspectives. It’s lovely your hubs tries to understand your feelings. 🙂 You two sound like a sweet couple! I really admire how mine thinks. He’s so practical and smart but can also be abit naughty too. I’m really excited about things progessing with him. ☺️ I honestly can’t stop thinking about him. 🙈 I appreciate you being excited for us. ❤ And that's true we're here to be better people by learning how to listen, learn, and change.

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      8. Omg he just asked me up front what I’m looking for from him. I told him I’d like to have a relationship with him & would move with him anywhere if he wanted to move. My heart is racing. I’m hoping for the best.

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      9. Hi Sara! Didn’t have access to WP for the last few days and didn’t see this.. oh my! I’m so happy to hear that 😊 I’m sure he was really happy to hear that… hope things proceed well from here on!


      10. Hey you! No worries. I hope youre well and had a nice weekend. I sent you a follow up comment after this one about his response. 🙈 Not sure if it went through or not. He ended up saying that he was looking for a relationship back when we were dating, but a lot happened since then and he wants to focus on his career. It hurt, but I’m glad he’s chasing his dreams. We met up on Saturday night and it was amazing to see him and talk about things. Like there’s such a unique connection we have but he wants to maximize him time in the industry and travel. Maybe one day he’d be interested in pursuing something more serious again. But for now I support his decision to do what’s best for him & he’s done the same for me which is really nice. I’m really grateful we’ve been able to connect again. I wish i could go with him but I understand he wants to be as flexible as possible right now.

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      11. Yes I definitely had a wonderful weekend!
        I’m so sorry to hear about the recent development between the two of you. Although I definitely think it’s wonderful that he was open with you regarding his career plans so he doesn’t leave you questioning what will be. I sure hope that he changes his mind and if not, once he’s taken more active steps in his career, rekindle the relationship 😊

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      12. Glad to hear you had a great weekend. 🙂 You’re right he’s great for being up front with me. I’d love for him to change his mind. :,) I think he’s serious about exploring the career options he has while he’s in this line of work though. I want him to chase his dreams as I was allowed to do that with moving to Vancouver and writing all those books – then my dream became being with him. :,) I hope he changes his mind, too. With his job he could work anywhere as could I, but I cant blame him for wanting to travel. Like you say, he could come back after he’s had a chance to travel and get further in his career.
        It sure was amazing being able to see him twice in the last two weeks! 😍 I’m so grateful. I’m glad we can stay connected. He encouraged me to get a job I was looking at that’s 2 hours away because it pays more and I could save more money. We’re both heading closer to our hometowns after our travels, so maybe that’s when things could rekindle again if he seeks me out. Depending on where we end up, we might only be 45 min. away from each other lol like we are right now in BC. But I also realize he’s going to meet other women and he may fall for one. So for now I’ll move on but I’d love it if things could work out for us down the line. Sometimes I get the feeling he hopes that, too, but he doesn’t want to get my hopes up.

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      13. Wow, this is tough! Especially that you are focused on moving on and forming a real lasting relationship- while he’s still interested in his career.
        Nobody knows what will become of this, although, as you said, there’s no way to know 🤷‍♀️ I do think it’s awesome however that you’re not left in the dark and know what to expect.
        Hopefully, he’ll realize soon enough that he can juggle his career and you at the same time 😂
        Life surprises us all the time, and I’m sure there are only good ones in store for you!
        I appreciate you keeping me updated.
        Praying for you 💗

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      14. That’s true it’s awesome he was up front. I like that he’s sure to be honest about everything. If I do move to that other place to save money, I’ll ask him to visit if he ever wants a day or two away from work. Would be cool to see him out there. That would be awesome if he realized he could balance his job and me together. 🙂 The possibility makes me smile. He’s got a vibe that makes me want to mother him. I would do my very best to take care of him well if I had the opportunity to be in a relationship with him.
        I love how you said life surprises us all the time. Thank you, I accept those positive affirmations. He was open to a relationship before and that could very well come back for him! I want to stay connected, but am also giving him some space as I was messaging him quite often the last few weeks. I’m not sure how to proceed, but things will work out how they should in the end right? Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. ❤ 🙂

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      15. Also when I said move on I didn’t mean find someone else right away. I just meant focusing on my own career and saving money. I’ll meet some people for sure (If he doesn’t change his mind), but that doesn’t mean I’ll want to settle with them. I want to save money so I can go back to my home province and potentially meet him there again since he plans to end up there again too.

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      16. Definitely looks like you’ve got your eyes settled on this guy! And im sure he must be quite something..
        Of course you may find some other guys along the way, yet it seems like you’re specifically attracted to his personality and would do anything to be with him! That’s wonderful when it comes to a relationship and I’m hoping that divine providence will get you together!! Do keep me posted 💗

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      17. Yes. I’d love to be able to take care of him one day – not just cook for him but just always be there for him in any way he’d need me. Thank you for your kind words and prayers. ❤ I think if his feelings change, he will let me know. We'll be sure to keep in touch & if it's meant to be, it will work out. I want to wish you all the good things, too. 🙂 I admit it's going to be hard leaving this place behind as I really fell for everything it has to offer, but it's also become empty without someone to share it with, so it's a sign to move on. Sometimes change is good – and I do need to save some cash! haha. I'll certainly keep you update. 🙂 Until then, take care and have a lovely week.

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      18. Haha, regarding saving cash! It’s definitely a good idea when ready to think about a serious relationship 😉 get ready for some great things to come your way! It’s great that you’re serious about life and would like to share it with somebody.
        I think that’s something that has been lost in our culture today and is so beautiful.
        Be in touch! Have a wonderful week and enjoy the sun ☀️

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      19. That’s very true. It’ll feel good to have my own savings – real savings not just like $2000 lol. I’ll be able to save a lot out there. Gah thank you so much for your kind words. :,) I’m ready for good things to come my way. ❤ And you're right that taking life seriously and valuing a relationship is a lost art but so important. I thought very much like a young girl for a long time and now it's time to really adult. Not that I haven't had accomplishments but I did need to start being more practical when it came to saving money. I look forward to telling him the good news. I know he'll be pleased I won't be struggling in the city anymore.
        I'll be in touch. Enjoy the June sun too! 🌞

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      20. Hey, I told him about me getting the other job and he was happy for me. 🙂 I told him I had some free time before starting. He said “You’ll get lots of time to yourself then” and at first I thought that meant he wasn’t going to see me, so I said the dumbest thing: “Hope you have an amazing summer” because I was worried about bugging him. >.< But thankfully we kept chatting and I told him to let me know if he wants to visit me there and asked him if he'd be free to hangout before I go. I suggested that we go for a nature walk since I'd love to show him a trail around here, and he liked my reply, so I'm really hoping we can see each other before I go!

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      21. Oh wow that’s amazing! I’m sure hope you get to see him and enjoy the time together 😊 As i said, it looks like he feels the same about you so that’s awesome!
        Let me how your nature walk goes.. hope you have a wonderful time together 🤩🥰

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      22. Thank you for the kind words. 😊 I look forward to the nature walk with him. It will be cool showing him a place he hasnt seen yet too! He mentioned he was abit jealous of me going to Whistler and he’d like to get out there more. It would be amazing to see him when I’m out there, too. I’ll definitely let you know how it goes. 😊

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      23. That’s cool you got to be there before! 🙂 It will be gorgeous. Only been there once at night so it’ll be the very first time I’ll see the mountains. Lol well that’s cool you live in The Big Apple. It would be cool to see NYC one day.

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      24. You’re honestly not missing out on anything! Vacation time is my best time.. exploring the world, the beautiful mountains and falls and everything else.
        I wish I can get out of this place! For now hub and I are pretty settled so don’t think that’ll happen. But do appreciate what you’ve got there! 😊

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      25. Aw thank you and I’m sure where you are is pretty cool. I follow some influences in NYC and it looks lovely. I like the city, but would love to settle in a more quiet area eventually. I hope you can take some vacation soon and do more exploring! Maybe after baby is born. But the main thing is you’ve got your hubs and you’ve found an area to be settled in – I think the best adventure is being with your love. ❤️ That said I’ll definitely enjoy the views I’ll be getting, work hard, and accept all the good things coming. 😊 I look forward to doing some hikes out there too!

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      26. A visit to NYC is just fine, but living here is another story. Some people love the hustle and bustle, yet I’m not that kind of gal..
        Yes, we like doing yearly trips and I can proudly say that I covered most of the 50 states 😊
        It will be harder to travel when the little one comes but we definitely will be planning something..
        Please do enjoy it there, ive got only wonderful memories from that time! 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      27. That’s awesome you’ve been to most of the states! And you’ve got some traveling to look forward to for the future. 😊🌞 I’ll definitely enjoy it there. The new boss is so nice she’s giving me two days to settle in before work. So it’ll be like a lil holiday. Looking forward to it.

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      28. Thank you. 🙂 It’ll be so much quieter too. I find the noises of the city have been getting to me. And when I go somewhere it’s usually on a nature walk lol or quaint Cafe so Whistler will be perfect.

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      29. Hey you. 🙂 So he was working this weekend, but I think next weekend he will be free. He asked if I have a lot of things to move and now that I think of it, I’ll have a few bags to bring with me. 😅 I definitely won’t have just one backpack for this move. We’ll be able to arrange a visit soon I’m thinking and hoping. 😊

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      30. Oh my that’s so awesome!! I’m so mighty glad for you 😊 I’m sure you guys will have an awesome time together. And it’s great that he’s making time for the two of you! Thanks for keeping me posted 😂

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      31. The tricky thing is he hasn’t directly answered my questions about meeting up next weekend but he seemed curious about how much I’m moving. I had the impression maybe he was going to offer helping me but I’ll likely only have 3 bags to take if that. Of course if he offered I’d say yes without hesitation. 😝

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      32. That’s true lol and knowing me I can probably fit it all in to one suitcase and 1 backpack. Thank you I’m hoping he will. 🙈 I suggested stanley park since we can walk from downtown. It would be nice to do that. 🙂

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      33. So it turns out he was looking for a relationship at the time we first met, but wants to focus on his career instead as he’s been growing exponentially in the field. Some people can’t focus on both things I guess. I always thought you could grow together in a relationship but I guess he’s just not ready now. I left things open & who knows maybe down the road? Hard to say. But I’m glad he was up front & now i can move on. I admit I’m disappointed as there were two ways this could go – my dream could come true or he’d say no. I’m glad he’s chasing his dream. Thought I’d tell you since we were talking so much about it. I’m hoping we can stay connected at least. We must have connected for a reason. But I will move on. His honesty gives me the chance to figure out what I’m going to do from here.


      34. On that note, my most recent release, Inspiration, is an autobiography of my inner strength and what I’d do with it in a fantasy setting. I hesitated to recommend it before because it’s more personal, but you may like the victor mindset of the protagonist. 🙈

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  1. What a beautiful post?! I just read a book this morning in my quiet time which touched on this very topic(Divine Disruption).Sometimes all we can see is the nastiness in our suffering; not realizing that the stench is apart of the process. Life stinks sometimes but good will come out of it. Romans 8:28

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Wow, interesting that you chanced upon this very topic today! Wonderfully put. Although things just hurt like hell sometimes- there will be a better outcome and future because of the troubles we go through.
      Thank you for your sweet words and comment 😃

      Liked by 2 people

  2. You’re right Simone, so many times, especially in light of what is happening these days I am tempted to just hate this world and almost everyone and everything thing in it. But God is always working behind the scenes, we just need to believe that and have faith. Great post, love it ❤️💕.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. So true. Love how you put it! All the recent happenings are what prompted this post. I was so troubled by what was going on and was thinking about how everything in this world is incomprehensible, yet we never know what good May come out of every difficult situation.
      Thanks for your kind response and comment. I’m so glad that you enjoyed it 😍


  3. An apt post for the current time, Simone! We’ll written and expresse! I always keep a gratitude journal and whenever things look bleak, I read it and feel thankful!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you! Yes, I felt the need to write it due to all that’s going on in the world..
      A gratitude journal is so beautiful! I should start practicing that too 😊 It promotes positivity, thankfulness and an appreciation for all the good we’re surrounded with.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. This is a really inspirational and insightful post and message, Simone. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here. The world can certainly seem like an awful place with so many bad things happening in it right now, but if we look, there is always good to balance it out. It’s just somehow remembering to look for those things. Not always easy, I know. As Harshi said (above), I, too, write a gratitude diary every day, and I’m thankful for all the good there is in the world as well. Even the small things like having running water or enough food to eat, the sun shining, the company of a good friend etc. It’s good to be grateful for what we have in our lives that perhaps, other people in such a troubled world don’t have. We are truly blessed. Thanks for sharing this, Simone. With love and peace to you. Ellie xx 💖

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Ellie, your comment and words mean a lot! I’m happy that you appreciated this post. I love how you say that although there’s so much going on in the world we can still find the good in our lives.
      A Gratitude diary is such a wonderful thing and I commend you for keeping the journal! I’m starting to think of implementing it too 😊
      As you put it, it’s not only the big things that we need to be grateful for but all that God gives us, which we often take for granted.
      Your thoughts are so sweet and insightful, dear 😍

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I didn’t question God when I was hit by an 18-wheeler truck which left me with a hip replacement. I know my God is bigger than my crushed hip bones. I can no longer walk without cane and can’t even stand for longer than 10 minutes but hey, I’m alive and kicking! 😊 He, definitely, has plans for me which, I think, includes my daughter. My faith and hope rests in Him alone. Thank you for this message, Simone! 🥰

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Wow, that’s so beautiful and something we can all learn from! Not to question him no matter what and to always believe that there’s a reason and a purpose beyond that which we can see.
      I appreciate your comment and thank you so much for sharing! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post, Simone 🙂 I agree, there is much good in this world. That’s why I love nature so much. If I feel down, I know the cure for me is to get outside and just breathe. The bad days come and go it’s just part of our journey, but beautiful and good days will come after the storm.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Well said! I appreciate you sharing your wonderful insight. There definitely is nothing like nature, to cheer you up and make one realize that there’s plenty of beauty and goodness surrounding us 😊


  7. There is SOME evil in the world, yes, but “lots”? Most people seem to struggle to do the right thing. There was a story about a man — a manager — leading a group of female telemarketers to work. They were all walking there. Then there was a battered woman on the ground, just lying there. The telemarketers wanted to stop and help. The manager snapped at them to hurry up.

    What happened was the woman got helped and the manager got fired. So you see, this true story shows there is some justice.

    — Catxman

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That is a beautiful story! Thank you for stopping by and for your comment 😊
      I do think that it is evil in this world and how we choose to phrase it as either “lots or some” is relative to what I tried to convey. Although there are struggles and hardships we can, as you so aptly put, always find beauty surrounding us!

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  8. My dear friend Simone

    This world we live in is under control of the Negative Power and even the next higher plane, the astral plane and the causal plane also belong to the Negative Power. In the astral world there you will find black magic, a so-called heaven and a so-called hell – people in this so-called heaven think that they are in the heaven Christ speaks of but they do not know that this is another fake and illusion, much stronger even than in our physical world, they think they live in a Paradise – to these places people who are pious egoists will be sent there according what we sow and have to ripe – this law is a cosmis law, but we also have the law of grace which can help us (with the help of God) to find a way out of this coming and going, to die and lie again and again. Once we have given up our own ego that we are no longer the doers that we see and understand that it is only God who is the Doer while we are the puppets on the string, then humilation in us starts and the yearning to follow the path of truth as it was taught by competent Masters in all times, even in different religions.

    So wishing you all that is good for your on the path of spirituality. May God bless you, my friend 🙂

    Hugs and love

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow, how profound! I especially love how you pen “once we have given up our own who… we are no longer the doers”. That is so true!
      Many of us live under the false illusion that we are the ones doing everything. It’s all just God and his mighty hand!
      So powerful. Thank you for sharing 👍

      Liked by 1 person

  9. So true Simone. When our prayers are answered it may not be in the way we expect but the blessings and profound insights that we gain outweigh the so called “bad” stuff. So often we try to race ahead, but God has everything in hand. Blessings in abundance.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. So very true! You summer it up perfectly and beautifully. God has it all planned out, and although we don’t understand- we ought to believe that it’s for the good!
      Thank you for reading and for your insightful comment 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Excellent post and very excellent way of living and thinking. I recently read a very-well-researched article that purported to prove the question of “does the greatest growth happen after hardship?” The conclusion at the end was “no, not most of the time.” It was an attempt to absolutely quantify and prove, or disprove, this belief. I read the entire article and have thought a lot about it since. They just documented the situation and then the outcome. There was no allowance for an individual’s reaction to the given situation, and to me that obviously makes all the difference, and is what we’re talking about. Growth is certainly not just automatic after trauma always, but it certainly offers an opportunity for it. If one door is firmly closed now, you can either choose to keep staring at it, wishing it would open and pulling at it fruitlessly, or start searching around for another route. To do whatever it might take to get to where where you need to be, and “how” you need to be. You and I have chosen the second way it seems. May God hold you very closely!! Blessings

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow, it definitely seems like a beautiful article and one worth reading! Your insights and thoughts are truly an inspiration.
      Thank you for regarding and commenting 😊


    1. Aw, thank you for your words! Yes, you couldn’t have said it better. God is great, even if sometimes it’s hard for us to comprehend his greatness with all the craziness going on in the world.

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  11. I love that mindset in you, Simone! I’ve been on both sides of that fence! But, as you said here, our misfortunes can sometomes become our fortunes and God can work bad and bring good of it! And if we wait, bad times usually pass! ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I wasn’t certain I could manage writing such a long article in the beginning. Your style was captivating. Again, your content was excellent. Great Article Neil. I have read it a couple of days ago, but didn’t make an opinion, but I felt this article was excellent enough to warrant a thanks for your time. I’ll definitely be implementing the tips to my own sites in the near future!


  13. At first, I was skeptical that I could even read this long of a post. Your writing style has captivated me. You came again with an excellent article as always. Great Article Neil. I read it a few days ago, but didn’t make any comments, however I thought the article was informative enough to warrant a thanks for the article. I’ll try to implement the tips to my own sites in the near future!


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