Gift of Giving

Photo by cottonbro on

Giving is part and parcel of life. The way we humans operate. Give and take, return, and reflect, with smiles and with gratitude. Giving makes up life. What are we if we do not give of ourselves to another? What is our purpose if we cannot extend ourselves and go beyond our comfort zones to provide for another that which they cannot attain for themselves?

It has been invigorating when I noticed the pattern of giving by the people around me. Giving is a constant in our society, for some more and some less. Yet it is ingrained in who we are as a people. If it is not a physical and tangible gift that is given, then it is of spiritual and/or emotional kind of giving. Extending our hearts to listen to our fellow, providing comfort when one is experiencing a traumatic situation and is in the need of solace. There are many ways of giving, and all are virtuous and beneficial for those who are on the receiving end, as well as those who give of themselves.

I have come to see that those who appreciate what the other has given them and constantly and consistently offer their heartfelt thanks and appreciation will automatically trigger another round of giving. When an individual is appreciative, thankful, and truly grateful the other feels empowered by the warmth and feels like extending the bounty.

On the other hand, when someone gives of themselves to another who barely acknowledges that they have been the recipient of the other’s kindness, the well of giving soon dries up and the giver feels incapable of giving more due to the lack of recognition.

The reality is startlingly simple. The more one appreciates, acknowledges, and is grateful, the more kindness they will receive.

This great lesson can be applied to our relationship with God. He is the ultimate giver; the one who provides for all living things and is constantly showering us with his blessings. The more we thank and appreciate his kindness, the deeper we acknowledge his presence and his absolute mercy the more he will give to us. The more gratitude and praise we give to our God, the more he will feel like bestowing us with his bounty.

It is simple, yet truly astounding when we think about it. For not only does gratitude make the other give more but it changes a person too. Because the more we think about the good that we are given the more appreciative we become. In return, this comprehension turns us into people who see the sun, who notice the blessings, and who understand that there is a power stronger than any other who loves us and will provide for us endlessly.

The more gratitude, the more giving. The more appreciation and thanks to our God the more bounty we will receive.

To believe. To thank. To receive.

Isn’t that a true win-win?!

Published by Simone E

Passion for words, people and life. I aspire to find meaning, inspiration, and God in everything that happens.

99 thoughts on “Gift of Giving

  1. Wonderful message to all! Going to reblog this timeless message. It is important also to remember that when our gifts of time, material things or even just our being present isn’t appreciated to give anyway. God knows 😊🌸

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Lovely read Simone .

    Every single selfless act in devotion leaves the world feeling a little better than before…
    Give gratefully & receiving respectfully makes life & living truly memorable. 💙

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you for your kind words ❤️ You couldn’t have said it better! Through our acts of selfless giving we give ourselves the greatest gift.. and that’s when life is worth living!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes that definitely is a great gift! However every person has his/her own gifts which they appreciate most and what can be a blessing for one and a great kindness may not be so for the other.
      Great thought 😊

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I agree though time will always be the greatest gift someone can give you – as they can’t get it back, and there’s always other things taking our attention away, so that time really does show love more than anything else. 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

      2. That’s very true! When we show another genuine interest in what they’re doing/saying we’re essentially giving them an invaluable gift. Especially in our date and age, it’s hard to really have another’s full attention all the time 😉
        I like the thought! Great to keep in mind 🙏

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I don’t expect full attention as we have work and hobbies, of course. I just mean when we give more of our time to one more than others (could be a date or best friend, it’s a very nice gift indeed). Once I know someone is truly interested (being a woman who attracts players), I tell everyone else I’m taken. Its the best feeling and I’m hoping it happens with someone specifically very soon. 😉

        Liked by 2 people

      4. I completely agree with that. It is comforting to know that there’s someone out there who will be there for you fully, with true interest and time.
        I hope you found that perfect someone real soon ❤️ Thank God im happily married to the man of my dreams and he’s everything (and more!)
        I’m extremely grateful for that and truly understand what it means to be there for your partner (and vice versa). All the time. All the way.. and that is definitely the greatest gift of all!

        Liked by 2 people

      5. That sounds perfect really and I’m happy for you. 🙂 ❤ I hope so, too. I'm trying again with someone I'd dated in December and I'm truly hoping for the best. I try my best to give the best that I can in time, attention, compliments, affection, etc. and I can only hope it will be enough. He's quite busy but I hope we can make it work – as I'm busy enough, too, but I'm always happy to share my free time with someone who makes me happy. *blushes* I really feel that if you're ready for love it will find you. Hoping this will be summer!

        Liked by 2 people

      6. We all need that.. a stable and committed relationship is what keeps us in check and what makes us feel most alive!
        I’m happy to hear about that.. hopefully all will go well 😊 Will have you in mind! As you say, the most important thing we can give is ourselves and investing in the relationship. And of course, for those that are special enough, we manage to find and create the time and space to be there..!

        Liked by 2 people

      7. Thank you I’m really glad that you understand. :,) I find in this era, people almost make you feel ashamed for wanting love or a relationship. But it’s so essential to overall happiness as time goes on. It’s okay to have independence for ahwile, but life is more fun when you share it with your person. ❤ That's true, we find the time for those we really value.

        Liked by 2 people

      8. I certainly do! And I understand what you’re saying about our date and age and it’s perception of true love/ relationship. I find that many people today aren’t so interested in stability, they’d rather go with their comforts on the moment without thinking of the future and settling down with a partner. It’s nice to see there are some like minded individuals out there 😊
        I couldn’t agree more. Life is way more fun and inspiring with a special someone at your side!

        Liked by 2 people

      9. That’s so true, really. I can be a little bit bad with job hopping, but in relationships I’m definitely there to stay for years (if not forever) once I realize there’s a connection and interest there. Yes that’s very true what you say about having someone special at your side being more inspiring – that’s proof in the fact that you can still write. Maybe I’d be able to start writing again once I’m in a stable relationship,

        Liked by 2 people

      10. By the way I’m sorry to go on. This has been a harder month for me than I’d like to admit and I’m babbling on. I’ll just hope for the best with everything, and all that is meant to be, will be.

        Liked by 2 people

      11. Thank you. 🙂 I’m hoping for the best. The good thing is he was really receptive to get back in touch again. It’s a fine balance of giving him space and showing interest. I don’t want to bug him since he’s busy, but also want to make sure he knows I can’t wait to see him soon. 😛 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      12. Exactly.. it’s those tentative steps, the fine line. Hopefully you guys will connect and things will develop between you.
        I understand that you don’t want to bug him and it’s definitely something that you seem to be interested 😉
        As I said, I hope for the best and looking forward to hearing from you!

        Liked by 2 people

      13. Thought I’d give you a little update. 🙂 We’ve been communicating well this week and we’re going to meet on Sunday. 🙂 Thank you for being kind and encouraging and I also want to congratulate you on the baby!

        Liked by 1 person

      14. Thank you. He ended up selling his truck today which I admit is off timing but maybe it just happened that way. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt & suggested we meet half way or I’ll even go all the way out there to see him. I’m scared he’s blowing me off but I really like him & I’ll just have to hope for the best. I’d honestly travel hours to see him, as long as I could see him.

        Liked by 1 person

      15. Oh wow, I’m sure that it was a coincidence! Keep hoping, especially if this is something (someone!) who’s of interest to you.
        I understand about wanting to go out of your way, and that’s definitely a good thing 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      16. Hey, it went really well! tonight! It was amazing seeing him again. Our conversation was great as usual. 🙂 It also sounds like we’re both drifting back to our home province soon. I would love for us to end up there together, and I’ll let him know that the next couple of times we see one another. I need to be more open about how I feel 😅 but also don’t want to overwhelm him yet as he’s got alot going on. I hope we’ll get to see one another again really soon!

        Liked by 1 person

      17. Oh my. I’m so happy to hear that! It’s amazing that you feel good about this relationship and you’re ready and looking forward to seeing him again. Being more open about your feelings is a way to go, especially when it comes to dating (been there done that 😉) sometimes it’s hard to be vulnerable but it’s usually worth it!
        Thank you for keeping me posted. I hope it continues to go well and you guys should hit it off 😁

        Liked by 1 person

      18. Thank you. 🙂 I’m really glad, too. He’s so unique and I love that we can keep talking about anything. It was a good way to ease back into things together. I’ll be more deliberate about letting him know I feel next time. 😅 I was sure to give him a big hug at the end and it felt nice. Thank you so much for caring about this and for your positive words. 🙂 I believe it will keep going well with him, too. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      19. Thank you so much! 😊 I’m moving too and it’ll be closer/easier for us to meet up. It will be a good time to let him know I’d like to spend the summer seeing him more, then hopefully both go back to Ontario or another place together. 😍

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I’m so happy you found it enjoyable, that’s nice to hear 😊
      Yes gratitude is certainly one of the greatest things. Thank you for your thoughts!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Finally, I’ve managed to call by your blog to see what you write about, and I am pleased I did. Thanks, too, for dropping by at mine recently too.

    This is a beautiful post, Simone. I totally agree with every word you’ve written. I think that kindness and gratitude go hand in hand and should be the basis for every friendship and relationship, albeit personal, work, romantic, etc. It has a wonderful knock-on effect when you offer kindness or express gratitude – The person receiving the kindness feels better, but the giver of that kindness also feels better. I think we’re on the same wavelength, only you say it far better than I.

    I keep a gratitude diary every day – it’s a great thing to do if I’m feeling low or depressed, too, as it really does shine a light on all those pieces of our lives that we, perhaps, wouldn’t give another thought to. All the good things in the world – the sun shining, the moon and stars, good weather that morning, running water, sufficient food in my fridge, our friends and family etc., etc. It’s amazing how much we have to be grateful for, although I do appreciate that not everyone is in a position to have even the simpler things in life that we take for granted, such as clean water etc.

    Did you know that Random Acts of Kindness Day falls on February 17th each year? It’s a lovely day for surprising people with unexpected gifts of kindness – a kind deed, a kind word, our time and our energy. Thank you for sharing such inspirational words and thoughts. Sorry, I write so much! X 💜

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Please don’t be sorry! I loved reading your every word 😊I read your words and smiled. Because they were exactly my thoughts while I penned this piece. It’s nice to see that there are others who are grateful and appreciative! And your gratitude journal is absolutely beautiful 😊 (I should definitely implement it too!)
      I appreciate you being here and offering your wise words.. I’m glad you took the time to read my post.
      Looking forward to reading your posts too 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This reminded me… when I was younger I didn’t realize the importance of allowing someone to give me things. The act itself causes a joy that cannot be rivaled. And one day my pastor mentioned this in one of his sermons. He said if you don’t allow someone to give you a gift, you are robbing them of their joy in giving. And since then, I’ve realized that his statement is so true. If I give somebody something, I feel so good when they receive it with open arms. Anyway, your post is so lovely and a good reminder to all about the goodness of giving. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s an awesome point! I love how you expressed it. We are definitely taking away a special gift from the one who wants to extend their goodness. And ultimately giving them the greatest gift possible 😊
      Thank you for reading and for this beautiful thought!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Simone,

    The way back to God is love, becoming love, to be love – love is just like the sun it gives its golden and warm beams to everyone unconditionally – and according to Kabir: Give, give, give – when giving love and heart it will not get empty (as it is the case with money) the more you give the more you get, then love grows in you. So love is giving – we stop to take – we give, give, give – service to man.

    From heart to heart 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “The more you give the more you get!” That’s a wonderful concept and very true! There’s truly nothing like sharing with another and giving of oneself; for God certainly gives more to those who give selflessly of themselves.
      Thank you for your insightful comment. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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